American University Research Academy Uniform Policy
At AURA the uniform is worn with pride. It is an outward sign of the choice that families have made to join the American University Research Academy community and the way to demonstrate daily their commitment to fully embrace the values and spirit of AURA. Every assembly day is a Number One Dress day. Students may be asked to wear Number One Dress on additional days for special events or field trips.
The official clothing list in this handbook should be consulted. Since the following details are constantly asked about, they should be noted and should be considered as to whether they apply to boys or girls.
- The rule remains that students arrive and leave the school in full uniform. If students work immediately after school, they may bring a letter to the Head of School/Vice Principal requesting permission to leave school out of uniform. (Teachers will be informed at staff meetings). After school games, students may go home in their school tracksuit. Note: Students must come to school the following morning in uniform as usual.
- Non-AURA outerwear is not to be worn between classes or at lunch. Students have many AURA uniform options that will keep them warm and dry during the day. Personal clothing needs to be kept in student lockers during the day and can only be worn to and from school. In severe cold weather (temperature below freezing) girls are permitted to wear warmer clothing to and from school and then change into their uniform when they arrive at school.
- Number One Dress Uniform, including cardigan, school skirt/skort, full-length navy blue colored pants, and white dress shirt with tie, must be worn on required occasions as notified.
- Shoes: Students must remember when purchasing their shoes that they are worn for the entire school day, so they should provide adequate support and be comfortable.
- Skirt/skort Length: Skirt/skort must be no more than 8 cm above the crease of the knee and must be worn with shorts.
- Pants: Dress pants are to be full length—to the top of the shoes—and be navy blue.
- Hair: Historically the school has tried to keep out of students’ hair! Hair should be clean, neat, and tidy at all times. Exaggerated or bizarre hairstyles and unnatural hair colors are not permitted. For all students, bangs past the eyebrows must be kept back. Facial hair must be kept neat and closely trimmed.
- Make-up: For students in Grades 9 to 12, make-up must be very discreet.
- Jewelery: One pair of small earrings worn in the lobes of the ear and/or one small discreet nose stud are permitted. Nose or septum rings are not allowed. All other jewelry must be inconspicuous.
- Other visible body piercing (including tongue studs) is not allowed. Visible tattoos are not allowed.
For all uniform and personal appearance issues such as hair, make-up, jewelry, or alternative shoes (as per physician’s request), please see the Head of School/Vice Principal.
Please note: All uniform items must be purchased at the school store or approved vendors, with the exception of shoes. Students not wearing their uniforms correctly will be given an initial warning. On subsequent infractions, students will be provided with the appropriate uniform items from the school store at their expense and parents will be contacted. All clothing and personal items must be labeled.Non-Uniform DaysOccasionally, the school has a “casual” day. On these days, students may wear their regular clothes, but need to remember that there is still a standard of acceptable dress. Bare midriffs, skimpy tops, shirts with inappropriate words or images, and very low-rise pants are not acceptable. If a student arrives wearing inappropriate clothing, they will be asked to return home to dress in a more acceptable manner.
AURA embraces a culture of consistency, cleanliness, discipline, and order. For this reason, students must abide by the school's uniform policy. Students must wear tennis shoes, or any other kind of comfortable closed footwear—sandals and open toed shoes are not permitted. Students who arrive at school without their uniforms will be dismissed. Nails should be clipped, and uniforms should be clean.
For Girls; Female students can mix and match their uniform and can choose from the following:
- Polo - Navy or Dolphin Blue
- White Shirt
- Black Pullover Sweater
- Cardigan
- Blazer
- Pants
- Skirt (with Optional: black leggings to be used underneath the skirt during cold seasons)
- Hair Tie and/or Hair Bow
For Boys; Male Students can mix and match their uniform from the following:
- Polo - Navy or Dolphin Blue
- White Shirt
- Black Pullover Sweater
- Cardigan
- Blazer
- Pants
- Necktie
AURA School Uniforms must be purchased directly from
Vicki Marsha UniformsAddress:
5292 Production Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649Contact No:
714-763-4179 Email: Website: