AURA - Curriculum by grades

Dual Credit Program
Effective For Class of 2027

AURA offers ONE overarching graduation diploma that exceeds the A-G requirements. The IB Middle Years Program (MYP) will be offered in grades 9-10 and the Diploma Program (DP) will be offered in grades 11-12.* HL=high level; SL=standard level
Subject Areas Course Requirements Possible College Credit
English Language and Literature 9th grade MYP English Language and Literature
10th grade MYP English Language and Literature
11th grade IB DP English Language and Literature HL Year 1
12th grade IB DP English Language and Literature HL Year 2
English College Composition  (English 101)
Communications and Public Speech (Communications 150)
Creative Writing (English-207)
Mathematics 9th grade MYP Extended Mathematics
10th grade MYP Extended Mathematics
11th grade IB DP Mathematics Applications and Interpretations
12th grade IB DP Mathematics Applications and Interpretations
Algebra I
Algebra II
Math 110 – Quantitative Reasoning
Sciences 9th grade MYP Biology and Physical Sciences
10th grade MYP Biology and Chemistry

11th grade IB DP Biology HL Year 1
12th grade IB DP Biology HL Year 1
11th grade IB DP Chemistry HL Year 1
12th grade IB DP Chemistry HL Year 2
Cell biology with labarotory I (Biology 202)
Cell biology with labarotory II (Biology 204)
Anatomy (200A)
Physiology (200B)
Chemistry 100
Chemistry 151
Individuals and Societies 9th grade MYP US. History
10th grade MYP Civics and Political Science

11th grade IB DP Economics HL Year 1
12th grade IB DP Economics HL Year 2
American History & The constitution (History 101)
Introduction to political science/political institutions (Political Science 101)
Language Acquisition 9th grade MYP Language Acquisition (Arabic / Spanish)
10th grade MYP Language Acquisition (Arabic / Spanish)
11th grade IB DP Language abinitio Arabic / Spanish SL Year 1
11th grade IB DP Language abinitio Arabic / Spanish SL Year 2
IB Mandatory Core 9th grade  MYP Community Project and Service as Action
10th grade MYP Personal Project and Service as Action
11th grade DP Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Action Service (CAS) and Extended Essay*
12th grade DP Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Action Service (CAS) and Extended Essay*
Design 9th grade MYP Design
10th grade MYP Design
Visual & Performing Arts 9th grade Visual Arts and Music
10th grade  Visual Arts and Music

11th grade IB DP Visual Arts SL Year 1
11th grade IB DP Visual Arts SL Year 2

AURA IB Diploma Additional Requirements: Must take at least three (3) IB SL courses and three (3) IB HL courses.

Disclaimer: Receiving the IB Diploma indicates a student has met all of the requirements of the IB-issued diploma. This is contingent on meeting the IB Diploma test score requirements. Award of credits is determined by the accepting College.

* AURA is a IB Accredited Diploma Program School* for the IB Middle Years Program and Diploma Programme. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to a high quality, challenging, international education that AURA believes is important for our students. *Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP). IB Accredited Diploma Program status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit
IB Diploma Programme
CAWS - California Association of IB World Schools
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