AURA - Application for Admission
Application for Admission
Month of Application
Date of Application
Year of Application
Student Information
Full Name of Application *
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Preferred Name / Nickname
Grade Applying for *
Birth Month
Birth Date
Birth Year
Address *
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Home Phone Number / if Applicable
Area Code
Phone Number
Applicant lives with
Please specify
Is the applicant adopted?
Current/Previous School Information
Applicant Current School and Grade *
Current Grade
School Head or Principal
School Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
School Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Please list all school Applicant has attended and provide dates of attendance
Family Information
Parent/Guardian #1 *
First Name
Last Name
Home Address
If not the same as above
Cell Phone Number *
Area Code
Phone Number
E-mail *
This email will receive submission confirmation/receipt
Occupation/Place of Business *
Job Title
Business Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal/Zip Code
Business Phone
Area Code
Phone Number
Relationship to Applicant *
Parent Marital Status *
Parent/Guardian #2
First Name
Last Name
Home Address #2
If not the same as above
Cell Phone Number #2
Area Code
Phone Number
E-mail #2
Accupation / Place of Business #2
Job Title #2
Business Address #2
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal/Zip Code
Business Phone #2
Area Code
Phone Number
Relationship to Applicant #2
Parent Marital Status #2
Sibling Information
Please enter name, age, and school of sibling
Sibling Name
School Attending
Additional Sibling Information
If more than will fit above
Sibling Name
School Attending
How did you hear about AURA?*
Educational Assessment
How would you describe your child's personality? *
My child excels at...
Please describe the educational environment that you are seeking for your child.
What would you like us to know about your child?
What are your expectations of your child's AURA educational experience?
How would you describe your child's academic performance to date? *
Enrollment Application
4. Has additional testing or tutoring been indicated for your child at any point in school?
5. Please note any academic and or social concerns for your child that we should be aware of.
6. Please explain any special medical attention that your child has received or is receiving from a medical professional.
7. Has your child been referred for psychological or educational assessment?
8. Describe your hopes for your child as a student at AURA.

Along with pages 1 through 3 of the Admission Application, please enclose:

  • The appropriate application and/or registration fee payable to AURA(See Tuition Schedule)
  • Copy of applicant birth certificate
  • Recent photo of applicant (optional, but helpful)
Tell us about any special interests/talents in mucsic, art, religion, athletics, academics, or other are that your child has.
Typing your name below constitutes a signature and agreement to the above statements
Will the family be applying for Financial Aid?
This form must be completed in order to be considered for scholarship.
Full Name of Parents/Guardians *
If BOTH PARENTS are living, please include BOTH names below
Parents/Guardians #1
Parents/Guardians #2
Last Name
A non-refundable application fee of $100 must be submitted with this application.
Processing fee will be added to all credit card transactions. (AMEX - 4%, all other cards 3%)
Credit CardOther
IB Diploma Programme
CAWS - California Association of IB World Schools
Have specific questions?
Feel free to reach out to us at
or call at