AURA - Global Focus Curriculum
In a world of increasing interconnection and complexity, learning in “global contexts” provides students with opportunities to explore multiple dimensions of meaningful challenges facing young people in the world today, encouraging them to develop creative solutions and understanding. IB programs encourage teachers to design units around a range of ideas and issues that are personally, locally, nationally, internationally and globally significant.

An IB education creates learning and teaching communities and opportunities that help students increase their understanding of language and culture, and become more globally engaged,
Education for international-mindedness relies on the development of learning environments, that value the world as the broadest context for learning,
In school, students learn about the world from the curriculum and from their interactions with other people. Learning and teaching in global contexts supports the IB’s mission “to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people, who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect”,
IB students and teachers are encouraged to engage with the world through developmentally appropriate explorations of local and global concerns, including the environment, development, conflicts, rights, and cooperation, and governance, Globally engaged people critically consider power and privilege, and recognize that they hold the Earth and its resources in trust for future generations.
IB Diploma Programme
CAWS - California Association of IB World Schools
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