At AURA, we are committed to providing an inclusive learning environment that respects and values the unique abilities, talents, and needs of all students. This policy outlines our commitment to inclusion and the provision of special educational support in alignment with the principles of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.
Principles of Inclusion
Diversity: We recognize and celebrate the diversity of our student body and are committed to creating a school community that is inclusive of all backgrounds and abilities
Equal Opportunities: Every student, regardless of their abilities or SEN (Special Educational Needs, has the right to access and fully participate in all aspects of the IB program.
Individualized Support: We acknowledge that students have unique learning needs. Our approach to inclusion includes the provision of individualized support and accommodation to enable all students to achieve their full potential.
The purpose of this policy is:
- Convey expectations for an inclusive educational environment for all learners.
- Share clear guidelines of the IB vision, goals, and practices of an inclusive IB community.
- Establish clear responsibilities for all people in our IB community: students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
- Outline the various methods of accommodation and support which are available to both students and teachers.
- To ensure that all students are provided equal access to the IB curriculum and opportunities for academic rigor.
- To emphasize that all students and staff are encouraged to embody the IB Learner Profile including supporting them as risk-takers, fostering compassion and communicating effectively.
- To foster a curriculum that is creative and differentiated to support all our students in reaching their unique potential.
- To communicate the responsibilities of all stakeholders in the success of students with special needs
- Special Education Needs (SEN) refers to any student who shows a need for extra support or for a challenge beyond the general curriculum. We recognize the wide spectrum of needs and abilities along a continuum, including students with learning disabilities as well as the gifted and talented.
- Inclusion refers to providing access to all IB programs for all students. (MYP and DP)
- Differentiation refers to any modification to instruction or assessment to meet individual needs.
- Stakeholders refers to anyone with a vested interest in the success of that student such as a parent, guardian, teacher, counselor, administrator, IB coordinator, and of course the student themselves.
- Individual refers to anyone with a vested interest in the success of that student such as a parent, guardian, teacher, counselor, administrator, IB coordinator, and of course the student themselves.
- Individualized Education Program (IEP) refers to is a legal document that is developed for a child in the U.S. who needs special education. It is created through a team of the parent(s) and personnel who are knowledgeable about the child's needs.
- 504 Plan refers to section 504 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which includes a plan to accommodate students with disabilities in general education classrooms. A team of teachers, specialists and parents determines what accommodations a student receives under their 504 plans, which occurs in a student’s home public school district.
Access to the IB Program
- Adaptations and Accommodations: We are committed to making adaptations and reasonable accommodations within the IB program to ensure students with SEN can access the curriculum and assessments.
- Access to Support Services: Students with significant SEN may have access to additional support services within or outside the school, as needed.
- Admissions SEN Review: Student’s needs, IEPs, and 504 plans will be discussed on admission to AURA, if students are transferring from public school districts and/or have IEP, 504, or other needs.
- Referrals for Testing and/or Services: Students that are admitted to AURA and require services or testing related to learning needs, need for IEP or 504, or other concerns will be referred to their home school district*.
Information about the services provided by Long Beach school district (where AURA is physically located, can be found on this page: Private School Information - Long Beach Unified School District ( This excerpt from the page is noteworthy here:
“The Long Beach Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) ensures that school districts locate and identify all children with disabilities enrolled by their parents in private, including religious, elementary schools and secondary schools, pursuant to Education Code 56170.
The Long Beach SELPA ensures that each school district will accept and consider referrals for assessment and will offer a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to such children who are determined to be eligible for special education services. These procedures are intended to ensure compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations.”
Common Practices and Philosophy for all Students
- The AURA IB community realizes that inclusion is a continuing process that aims to “increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers” (Learning Diversity & Inclusion in the International Baccalaureate Programmes, 2018, p.3). Our goal is to encourage all students to develop into “active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right” (IB Mission Statement, Through investigation, increased knowledge base, and care, all students can create a more peaceful world by understanding and respecting other perspectives and world views. With this goal in mind, the faculty implements principles and practices that demonstrate an appreciation of learner diversity and respect for different modes of learning We provide support for all students to participate and complete the culminating project for the IB programs (Personal Project, Reflective Project, Extended Essay) We encourage all students to act and extend their learning in ways that help their community.
- We promote International-Mindedness in all students and encourage personal reflection using the Learner Profile.
- We are committed to teaching through inquiry in all classes.
- We provide pathways to second language acquisition for all students in addition to supporting mother tongue languages.
- We provide support for all students to participate and complete the culminating project for the IB programs (Personal Project and Extended Essay)
- We encourage all students to act and extend their learning in ways that help their community.
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) & 504 Plans
- Initial Review: IEPs and/or 504 plans are initiated at a student’s local public school district, along with testing services as pursuant to local and state law. Students that have an existing IEP and/or 504 before admission to AURA, will provide documentation during the admission process. A team of the Principal, Assistant Principal, Parent(s), and student will discuss needs and if AURA would be able to provide accommodations needed.
- Development: For current AURA students with identified SEN, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan can be developed during the program, if the school has resources available to meet their needs. This process will be referred to the student’s home public school district where district resources are available for testing, assessments, and IEP/504 plan development.
- Regular Review: IEPs and/or 504 plans will be regularly reviewed at least on a yearly basis, and referred to local public school district to be updated to ensure they remain relevant and effective in meeting the student's needs.
Identification and Assessment
- Early Identification: We endeavor to identify students with SEN as early as possible through regular assessment, observation, and communication within colleagues and administrators and with parents and relevant professionals.
- Multidisciplinary Approach: Assessment and identification of SEN will involve collaboration among teachers, parents, students (where appropriate), and specialists such as educational psychologists or speech therapists.
- Integration with Local Resources: California public schools have resources available for testing, assessment, and IEP and/or 504 plan development. All students that can benefit from these resources will be referred to their local public-school resources.
- All teachers will utilize a variety of formative assessments to determine the individual student needs and abilities and to tailor subsequent instruction.
- Whenever possible, teachers will develop summative assessments that are differentiated to provide necessary modification, challenges, and student choice.
- Students who appear to have special education needs and abilities and who have then been identified as requiring IEPs or 504’s will be referred to their home public school district. Once the IEP and or 504 plan has been developed, a team of the Principal, Assistant Principal, IB Coordinator, Parent(s), and student will meet to coordinate to have all their modifications addressed. The goal is all accommodations or modifications will not be limited to just the classroom, but also will meet with the IB coordinator to ensure that their accommodations can also be provided on any IB internal or external assessments.
- Classroom support for all students with special education need and abilities may include curriculum modification, enrichment activities, classroom accommodations, small group instruction, or one-on-one support, depending on what all stakeholders agree upon
- When it is determined that a student would benefit from additional support outside of the classroom, pull-out services can be coordinated with their local public-school district.
- Data relating to the academic achievement of all students is confidential outside of the student’s IEP or 504 team.
- Progress of students receiving accommodations will be monitored and documentation of all services provided will also be used when referring to the student’s local public-school district to revise IEP’s and 504’s on an annual basis.
- When students change schools or move from one IB program to another, all cumulative folders will also be transferred.
Staff Development and Collaboration
- All teachers receive IB training to promote understanding of the IB philosophy, the school’s IB policies, and components of the IB programs.
- AURA schedules for weekly staff development and will include in that plan time for horizontal and vertical collaboration on curriculum, assessment, student learning and plans for differentiation.
- Teachers receive ongoing training in inclusive education practices, differentiation, and strategies to support students with SEN, which may be in collaboration with the American University of Health Sciences.
- Parent Involvement: We encourage open and regular communication with parents regarding their child's progress, needs, and the development of IEPs.
- Collaboration: Collaboration among teachers, specialists, parents, and students (where appropriate) is fundamental to successful inclusion.
SEN in the Diploma Program
- Any student with a need for special arrangements must be identified prior to starting the program. Special arrangements may include modifications to exam papers, extensions to deadlines, assistance with practical work, additional time, information and communication technology, scribe and transcription, or readers.
- IB Diploma Program special arrangement requests must be submitted to the IB Coordinator.
Support mechanisms for students needing special arrangements are outlined in the IB publication “Access and inclusion policy” for the relevant examination session.
Monitoring and Evaluation
- Continuous Improvement: We continually evaluate and improve our inclusion and SEN practices to ensure the best possible outcomes for all students.
Document Review
- A committee will be formed to review IB policies at the time of each program evaluation (for either MYP or DP). The committee will consist of IB coordinators, administrators, teachers, and parents.
- This policy will be communicated to stakeholders via the AURA website.
- Regular Review: This policy will be reviewed annually and as required to ensure its alignment with IB principles and to reflect changes in legislation or best practices in inclusive education.
- Access and inclusion policy. (n.d.).
- The IB guide to inclusive education: a resource for whole school development (2015) Cross-programme resources - Home - IB programme resources (
- Learning diversity and inclusion in IB programmes (2016) Cross-programme resources - Home - IB programme resources (
- Private School Information - Long Beach Unified School District. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2024, from