AURA - Morning Dew

Seeing God

August 177:47 PM(View: 1877)
Seeing God
There’s a hollow where I’ve fallen
I have hurt both mind and spirit
For betrayal, my own kindred
Til near to death my bosom
Then lo, I behold a glimmer
Tis true even in my sorrows

At the bottom, no water to drink
In the depths I now do sink
Has left me torn and weak
The only company I seek
Of light approaching me
My Savior now I see

We are no strangers to failure and times of hardship. Life throws many curveballs along the way and those curveballs can arrive unexpectedly in the most negative light. In result, we also often find ourselves alone and isolated with our own thoughts while pushing others away from us. However, when we are enclosed and trapped in this deep pit of despair and hopelessness, that is when we have to look up and seek our Heavenly Father for guidance and direction. During this morning’s Morning Dew, AURA Founder Pastor Gregory Johnson stated that when we find ourselves situated in a deep pit, there is no other direction but to look up. Even as the pit becomes deeper and deeper, we have no other choice BUT to look up. And where we look up is where God is. He is looking down at us with His hand reached out to us, so that we may escape the pit that is causing us despair and hopelessness. Genesis 50:20 states:

“But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.”

So, let this statement become engraved and preserved in your hearts. God will most definitely help us get out of that pit. There is no doubt about it. By doing so, we have to continually look up and see Him to believe.

May God Bless You All ~

American University Research Academy

AURA is a Christian based, minority-serving university, which educates students for careers in the healthcare professions. AURA emphasizes the values of faith in God, love of humankind, and belief that all people have a right to healthcare and deserve a good quality of life based on the wellness of body, mind, and spirit. The university celebrates diversity and reaches out to groups currently underrepresented in healthcare and research. AURA provides the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, hands-on practical training and supportive environment required to create competent and compassionate healthcare professionals.
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