AURA - Noon Day Prayer

Separated for God

August 59:18 PM(View: 2738)
Separated for God
As you turn to walk away
From those things, you did just yesterday
Do not be hurt when former friends speak ill
Or spew forth words, former fondness kills
For no one can serve God and this world too
You belong to God, even when you never knew, separated

Society can be very judgmental. From the clothes that we wear to the religion that we identify with, there are moments such as these in which others are very quick to judge based on how we look and how we live our lives. This does not only occur from the outside, but it may also occur within our circle of close friends. In result, this can become an unfortunate situation, but when there is a rift that is caused between choosing God or your friends, choose God above others. Genuine friends will stick by you through thick or thin, even if you sustain and support another religious belief. 1 Peter 4:4 states:

Of course, your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do. So, they slander you.

Former friends turn away because they are not accepting of their companion’s newly restored ways of living and spiritual beliefs. They feel that they have been betrayed by their companion when in actuality, it should not be the case. Instead, that companion who turned his or her life around for God should be an ultimate blessing. God warmly welcomes everyone with open arms. However, when there are those who reject His Word and stray away from God’s unconditional love, then they are separating themselves from God, not for God.

May God Bless You All ~

About American University Research Academy

AURA is a Christian based, minority-serving university, which educates students for careers in the healthcare professions. AURA emphasizes the values of faith in God, love of humankind, and belief that all people have a right to healthcare and deserve a good quality of life based on the wellness of body, mind, and spirit. The university celebrates diversity and reaches out to groups currently underrepresented in healthcare and research. AURA provides the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, hands-on practical training and supportive environment required to create competent and compassionate healthcare professionals.
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