AURA - Application
Statement of Interest
About the Student
Birth Month
Birth Date
Birth Year
Current Grade
Apply For Grade
For the School Year
Semester Interested In
Is the student an international student?
Current School
What church does your family attend?
About the Parent/Guardian
Relationship to Student
Phone #
Broadening Horizons
Academics/Curriculum - Which academics are most exciting?
Athletics – Favorite Sports to Play?
Activities – visual performing arts & clubs
How did you hear about us?
Enrollment Information
When you are ready to Enroll, visit our school website.
Create an account and begin the application process.
Before you get started, gather the documents listed below to make uploading easier.
Parent/Guardian ID
Month of Birth Certificate
Date of Birth Certificate
Year of Birth Certificate
Report Card (1st – 9th Grade Students)
Transcripts (10th - 12th Grade Students)
Attendance & Discipline Report (7th – 12th Grade Students)
Immunization Record
Before you can move forward with the New Student Enrollment Application, please acknowledge the requirement below.

To submit an Enrollment Application the new student must have at least one custodial parent who has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and is attending a Bible teaching church on a weekly basis whose doctrinal position supports the AURA Statement of Faith.
Do you meet this requirement?
New Student Application
Applicant Information:
Have you already submitted a student application for another child?
Is the student an international student?
If yes:
1. Will this applicant require sponsorship for an F1 visa?
2. Is the applicant working with an agency or consultant?
If yes, provide:
Agent Name
Agency Name
Agent Phone #
Agent Email
Agency Address
Place of Birth
Primary Language Spoken at Home
Proposed Entry to School:
Applying For Grade
For Academic Year
Educational History:
Date the applicant first attended or will attend a school in the US (mm/dd/yyyy)
Start moth at U.S. school
Start date at U.S. school
Start year at U.S. school
Current School Information:
Current Grade
Name of Current School
School Status
Current School Address
Medical Information:
Which medical conditions apply to your child?
Is the student on daily or ongoing medication?
Additional Information:
Has your child ever been suspended or placed on probation?
If yes, explain
Has your child been tested related to academic concerns, learning difficulties or special circumstances?
If yes, explain
Does your child have a 504 or IEP?
Are there any additional needs or circumstances we should be aware of?
If yes, explain
Does your child receive any classroom or testing accommodations?
Why do you wish to have your child enrolled in this school system?
Primary Household Information
Mailing Address
Is the mailing address different than the physical residential address?
If yes, provide physical residential address
Applicant lives with
Parents Marital Status
What church does your family attend?
Are you members?
First Parent/Guardian in Primary Household
Relationship to Applicant
Primary Phone
SMS Opt In
Secondary Phone
Primary Email
Employment Information
Employment Status
If employed/self-employed, provide:
Work Phone
Business Address
Second Parent/Guardian in Primary Household
Is there a second parent/legal guardian in this household?
Does the applicant have a second household?
Additional Guardianship Information
Additional Home Address
Parents in this household are
Sibling Information
How many Preschool-12th grade siblings, if any, does the applicant have?
If any, provide:
Relationship to Applicant
Grade for each sibling
Non-Discrimination Policy
Because we believe that all children are created in the image of God and are placed on earth to serve God and our fellows, we do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, or national origin.
Statement of Confidentiality
It is the policy of the participating schools that all information received regarding a candidate's application for admission will be treated with complete confidentiality. Only authorized school personnel have access to this information and then only to the extent that the information is relevant to admission and placement decisions.
Signatures of Applicant and Parent/Guardian
As parent / guardian, I accept responsibility for timely payment of tuition and fees, and I understand they are non-refundable. I attest that all information is true to the best of my knowledge. I also realize that if my child is accepted to AURA, I become responsible to reading, understanding, supporting and abiding by all policies in the Parent-Student Handbook distributed at the beginning of each new school year.

By signing this application, I indicate agreement with the purpose and doctrinal basis of AURA. I agree to fully support the school board, administration and faculty in the execution of Christian education. I've included all information pertinent to my child's educational history. I also understand my student has probationary status the first semester at AURA

By typing my first and last name below, I am adding my eSignature to this application.
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Parent’s Full Name
I agree
Who is completing this form?
IB Diploma Programme
CAWS - California Association of IB World Schools
Have specific questions?
Feel free to reach out to us at
or call at