College Credits: An Integral Part of an AURA Academy Education

November 148:25 AM(View: 7266)
College Credits: An Integral Part of an AURA Academy Education

A university education is an expensive, time-consuming proposition. Making the jump from high school to university can also be challenging. What if you could get university credits in high school (at high school prices), save a year or more of university time, and become familiar with university life in the process? If that sounds too good to be true, it’s what every student at AURA Academy experiences. Over the course of four years, American University of Health Sciences (AUHS) allows AURA students to take actual university courses taught by university professors. In addition, doing well on International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations in regular AURA high school courses may result in additional course credits at many universities.

Q: How can my children get college credit at AURA?

A: In some other high schools, students must take summer classes or evening classes at a community college to get college credits; however, at AURA IB high school, students are able to take AUHS college courses during school time, and if they pass, they can transfer credits to a university later. If they attend AUHS, there is no need to transfer; the courses are credits of AUHS.

Q: How many credits can my children transfer to university after graduation from AURA IB high school?

A: After graduation from AURA IB high school, students can transfer science credits as well as pre-requisite credits for PharmD (Doctor of Pharmacy), BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing), BSPS (Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences) as well as many other General Education credits such as History, Political Science, Art, Sociology, Business, Micro/Macro Economics… California law allows a dual enrollment program to offer up to two years of university.


Q: How much time could my children save for university?

A: AURA IB high school graduates may be able save 1 – 1.5 years toward completing a bachelor’s degree.


Q: How much money could be saved from university tuition?

A: The cost of college credits earned during a student’s attendance at AURA is included in the high school tuition fee. Students don’t have to pay additional cost for college credits. With the many credits transferred, relevant costs of those credits are saved. There are also potential room and board savings as well due to the reduction of time to complete a bachelor’s degree.


Q: How are these college classes taught at AURA?

A: AURA is inside the AUHS campus. Classes are taught by AUHS professors.

The College Credit program at AURA specifically prepares students for health sciences professions but addresses the general education requirements of most universities as well. Graduates of AURA achieve advanced standing in the health sciences programs at AUHS. An IB education with College Credit courses means substantial time and cost savings for students who attend AURA Academy.

A reminder to always observe classroom rules during class hours. Multiple occurrences of disobeying the rules may result in disciplinary action. Starting May 13, 2024, strict implementation of wearing proper school uniform and school ID will be implemented. AURA teachers and staff will be issuing warning slips for insubordination.
The AURA’s 2nd Open House held last 19th of April was a success! Amazing job to our teachers, students, and leadership team who made it possible!
AURA Academy values creative thinking as much as critical thinking. Both are needed to prepare students to effectively solve problems in the changing environment of the 21st century. In a recent interview with our gifted visual arts teacher, Kate Lyons Landry (, she noted that:
When considering a high school, academic rigor is a key consideration because, to get into good universities, one needs to demonstrate superior academic qualifications. It would be even better if those qualifications were translated into college-level credits saving students (and families) considerable time and money.
Education is a transformative journey, and high school students often find themselves at the crossroads of choosing the right academic path.
Most parents want to send their children to a great high school. But what makes a high school great? A great high school is characterized by a combination of factors that contribute to a positive and enriching educational experience for students.
AURA Academy follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) framework of education. You can learn more about the IB program at The IB framework breaks down education into eight subject groups: language and literature, language acquisition, sciences, mathematics, art, physical and health education, and design.
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IB Diploma Programme
CAWS - California Association of IB World Schools
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