What Makes a High School Great?

September 293:53 PM(View: 6763)
What Makes a High School Great?

By Brent Davis, PhD

Professor of General Education, 

American University of Health Sciences, Signal Hill, CA.

Most parents want to send their children to a great high school. But what makes a high school great? A great high school is characterized by a combination of factors that contribute to a positive and enriching educational experience for students. Some factors are nearly universal: effective teaching, a student-centered approach, a caring attitude, character building, and college/career readiness. A great high school continually strives to provide a well-rounded and holistic education that prepares students both academically and socially, spiritually, and emotionally for the challenges and opportunities of adulthood. It promotes a culture of excellence and continuous improvement to empower students to reach their full potential.

When our children were starting school (some 30 years ago), one of our concerns, even 30 years ago, was to find a school where a caring attitude was prioritized. Since this was difficult to find in the region of the world we were in,  one of the main motivations for a group of us, expatriate parents, was to start an international school. Another priority was to make sure that Christian beliefs and values were fostered. We were Christians in a country still run on atheist beliefs and values. Finally, most of our children would be going to universities in our home countries where English would be the language of instruction and high levels of skill in reading and writing English would be needed. So, we started a Christian, English-medium, international school.

While our situation more than 30 years ago was somewhat unique, these general concerns of caring, character, and skills are even more true today and are likely of concern to you as well. These are the reasons for establishing International Baccalaureate (IB) schools in general and American University Research Academy (AURA: an IB Accredited school) in particular. IB schools prepare students for success in a rapidly changing world and promote values of inquiry, knowledge, empathy, and responsibility. The IB schools grew out of the need for a curriculum that would be accepted for admissions at universities in many countries. But it was also fueled by a desire to foster respect and compassion among people from different backgrounds. Today, over 5000 universities in 100 countries accept the IB diploma, including UCLA, Brown, University of Chicago, University of Cambridge (UK), University College London, University of St. Andrews (UK), Macquarie University (Australia), McGill University (Canada), Free University of Berlin, University of Bologna (the oldest university in the world), and the University of Tokyo. Some universities will award college credit for high scores on IB examinations, including UCLA. Graduates of AURA Academy will be awarded substantial general education credits at the American University of Health Sciences (AUHS), leading to an accelerated Bachelor of Nursing or Doctor of Pharmacy degree. It is even possible that an AURA graduate could achieve a Nurse Practitioner MSN at AUHS at about the same time as most students are just completing a bachelor’s degree at another institution (with a regular diploma from another high school).

However, IB schools are not just interested in academics; the IB learner profile stresses character as well: inquirers, knowledgeable thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. Additionally, IB students are “more culturally aware through the development of a second language” and “able to engage with people in an increasingly globalized, rapidly changing world” ( For AURA, in particular, faith is an essential component, and weekly Bible studies are a critical extracurricular component of the school.

Caring, also, is not just an IB value but is demonstrated at AURA by our small class sizes, ensuring that every student is treated as an individual and listened to with respect. Our teachers are as compassionate as they are academically qualified. If you are looking for a caring, character-building school with high academics, look for an IB school. If you are also looking for strong Christian values and a well-rounded curriculum, including health sciences, consider AURA in Signal Hill, CA. They accept students year-round at the beginning of each quarter.

A reminder to always observe classroom rules during class hours. Multiple occurrences of disobeying the rules may result in disciplinary action. Starting May 13, 2024, strict implementation of wearing proper school uniform and school ID will be implemented. AURA teachers and staff will be issuing warning slips for insubordination.
The AURA’s 2nd Open House held last 19th of April was a success! Amazing job to our teachers, students, and leadership team who made it possible!
AURA Academy values creative thinking as much as critical thinking. Both are needed to prepare students to effectively solve problems in the changing environment of the 21st century. In a recent interview with our gifted visual arts teacher, Kate Lyons Landry (, she noted that:
When considering a high school, academic rigor is a key consideration because, to get into good universities, one needs to demonstrate superior academic qualifications. It would be even better if those qualifications were translated into college-level credits saving students (and families) considerable time and money.
Education is a transformative journey, and high school students often find themselves at the crossroads of choosing the right academic path.
A university education is an expensive, time-consuming proposition. Making the jump from high school to university can also be challenging.
AURA Academy follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) framework of education. You can learn more about the IB program at The IB framework breaks down education into eight subject groups: language and literature, language acquisition, sciences, mathematics, art, physical and health education, and design.
What is the connection between your sleep and your health? Compute the correlation coefficient for the data in Table A. Which of these two is of more interest to you? Probably the first question.
IB Diploma Programme
CAWS - California Association of IB World Schools
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